Sunday, August 30, 2009


When I say jump you say how high.

My neighbour is so cute can?
He's TWO and his sister's like two weeks old or something.
And he kept giving me his miniature cars.
So cute can!
And his sister is so cute, small small one. (:
(Like duh, she's a newborn.)
And he was like, so excited and kept clapping and stamping his foot.
Half the time I was worried he might fall over.
Even after he spill apple juice still clap.
SO CUTE! (Okay, this is quite bimbotic.)
Its not gushing okay. Its like, like, when you see a cute thing and you say its cute.
Okay, LOL!

Cut cut cut my hair just now.
Hairdresser:You are the older or the younger sister? (In Mandarin)
Me:Younger. But I'm taller.

OH YEAAH! I loved myself for saying that. LOL!!

And do I look THAT old that I look older than Liney??
(Please say no. Shout whisper or whatever, just a no!!!)

And BRIAN wants to feature his name here.
Okay, BRIAN! stalked YULI!.
Anyway, Esther, Chelsea and I waited for the cookie baking team (Yuli and CY) for 2 hours.
But they rock : D And so do their SEVEN JARS of cookies.
While waiting, we ate hersheys in the library and almost got chased out.
Then Chelsea saw this small boy and this little girl.
AWW, they're like a couple. So sweet.
And there's something else but I can't say it. Too funneh.
Its about ( )
Okay, figure it out yourself.
And we got chased out of the library because we were laughing too much thanks to the lame script.
But the script is awesome btw.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lucky not.

Yesterday and today SUCKED.
Let's begin with yesterday.
I reached school very early for LAB's supposedly ting xie test.
I waited outside and Teresa came to call her.
It turned out to be cheng yu test.
Oh joy, I never learn.
I told LAB about it, and got a dressing down early in the morning.
That's not all. I was called over to 1G and had to stand at the door and sing the national anthem.
That's not all. I got scolded in front of her class.(Not really in front.)
That's not all. I have to copy five very very long chinese book reviews.
FUDGE. And that's not all.
I had to run up and down the stairs after school thanks to her.
That's not all. I was dragged to the First Aid training when I was about to go home.
Can like that one?
Pshhht. It was fun anyway. :D

That's not all.
The glitchy internet couldn't work and I spent yesterday making homosexuals on Sims.

I woke up at 9am, very happily.
I turned my head to my left and
I think I sprained my neck. Ouch okay.
Now I can't turn my head to the right, or look down properly.
This sucks.

Maybe I should write it in fml!

Okay, bye:D

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Went video hoppin' and found these videos. Damn funneh can!

OMG, then got the guy holding his skirt-.-
I swear I laughed throughout the whole thing.But the songs are nice. :D
Keh, next one.Gee.

Then,by Boy's Generation.

Laughing and coughing at the same time IS NOT OKAY.
Hahaha! The guy with the yellow skinnies like so ...
Very very bored right now. Youtube is funneh hunneh.
: D
Kay, off to find ore funny videos. Tata:D

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whoop the hoopie

Operator get me Bei jing jing jing!
Addicted to Banana phone!

We-ell, Vivian is down with throat infection,high high fever, and fluuuuu!
Doctor said I have a possibility of H1N1(heenee).
Fooosh.Yesterday was like, hell. Woke up very very dizzy,and took my temperature.
38.8, and I was like, wooooh. Can miss school.
But yeah,being sick kind of sucked.
Had to wait three freaking cold and sleepy and head pain hours for the doctor.
On the brightside,I got mask. :D
Measured my temperature, and I just off-ed the thermometer when I saw it hit 39.4 and it didn't stop.
You know,I was so awesome that I can fall asleep while watching Spongebob and eating lunch.
Aww man, so bored now. And I have to STAY AWAY from Adeline.
Wow, that may be quite easy peasy. Or not!
Haha,slept for the rest of the day. -.-

Guess what, Nura and Sharon are sick too.
Haha! I have friends! But they're going back tmr.
And I'm stuck till Friday.
And I'm actually supposed to sleep now.
Na na na now.
I shall update about Sunday some day.Heh.: D

Operator get me Bei Jing Jing Jing!
Jeng jeng jeng, bye.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bored world.

Today's so boring
and bloghopping made it worse.
Nobody update blog.
And blogger's problem is back back back.
And I phones have different colours, not only black.

I'm so bored I can cry.
And there's practically no one online.
I think I'll play sims.

Friday, August 21, 2009

And and,
You're sixteen and time passes super fast can.
Still can imagine the time where you were (censored) years old and drank the milk bottle.Then you sneezed and a tooth came out. Then you so sotong and didn't know it was yours.
YAY, Liney's first tooth drop.

Guess what I found, Hahaland peeps!
Okay, cts are finally over, hooray.
But aww man, math was (insert) hard.

And I'm prepared (Like duh.) to go combined or retained (no, not really that prepared) for next year.
History paper wasn't THAT bad, and I got my new phone.
Thank you damn much Banana. :D

But the thing is I lost all my contacts and hafta find them again.
Stupid corrupted _____ phone.
But hooray, cts are over and doomsday comes on Monday.
Stupid Sean killed my 'Taa' family. Like, wt* they were so happy together.

Man my life sure sucks. Beach Cleaning with the TKG peeps today.
Anyway, they say:
The higher your hopes are,
the worse it feels when it fails.
So I will not keep my hopes up for math.

And my life suuuucks.
And is sleepy.

Okay, now for a joke:

That was stupid. Don't do it!:D

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Chuckie Chuckie Bang Bang.

Happy Birthday Nicholas TAN!
Not _an, but TAN!
Okay,my phone died.
But there's always a warranty to save my day.
So we'll all say YAY together.
Ready? On the count of THREE.
One, Two, Three....
You people are lame.

HAHA, There was Acred today, we power.
Only went for one revision and we passed!:D
Someone whispers in my ear and says: :B
Someone whispers in my ear and says: i wanna try
I say: rofl
I say: eww!
Someone whispers in my ear and says: can you make it for me?
I say: Chew your own!

Okay, deleted some parts cos it was too long and alottle un needed. Hahah!
And he wanna share his idea to people.
And he thinks that ______'s butt is sexy. Like, NO!

Okay, I think this is all.
Ps: Amanda's a pro backetballer.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Shoobee Doo ah.

Okay, blogger's finally back to normal, YAY!
Won't be blogging much, hafta study for CTs.:D
(Then, why am I doing here?)
Playing Sims!
Messing up is not fun. NOT!
Haha. And idcidcidcidcidc!
I don't look like mon-key.
And WC has fever, get well soon!
And tmr there's Evac Acred. x.x

And lastly,
Screw Oral!
And Happy 18th Birthday to Aaron!:D

Thursday, August 13, 2009

plain moon Pictures, Images and Photos

Well, the blog has been veh dead so I am reviving it.
Today's my big day!:D
Thank you to Amelia,Wendy,Yuliyanti,Brian(lol!),Kira,Wei Chieh(See, your name's here!),Rachael,Chelsea, Chin Yee, Esther, Yixia, Jazlina, Hwei Ling,Monica,Aisyah,Sebastian,LINEY!,Sean,Zhen Yao, Darius,Isaac Leong,Ong Shi Yi, Vione,Xuan Yi Ma'am, Rasyidah, Aisyah,Priya,Teresa,Ian (Underscore.), Pei Zhen, Nerissa,Dylan,Syaffi,Brenda (Koh), Shawn Lai, Dad, Tan Wei,Sing Yee,Jovian,
And those whom I missed out.
Thank you for your presents and wishes!
Today was an awesome awesome day !
Started off with a failed but good surprise from CY and Esther.:D
And then Yuli's awesome cookies.they're the bomb mans.
Addicted to them already.
Then, SEP. And Mr R____ was like, damn funneh.
Later his pants rip. X:

Then, there was the giant domo,the handphone strap too!:D
Thank you people.
Then there was the monkey that Liney gave, and hersheys from Sean.


Friday, August 07, 2009

that guy.

If you're a guy - post this as my kind of girl.
If you're a girl - post it as my kind of boy.

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?

2. Smart?
Equally smart as me.:D

3. Preferred age?
Older(?) Whatever.

4. Preferred height?
Taller/same height as me.:D

5. How about sense of humor?
VERY FUNNEH. As long as can make me laugh like ????.

6. How about piercings?
Don't mind.

7. Accepts you for who you are?

8. Pink hair?

9. Mushy or no?
The middle would be fine.

10. Thin or fat?

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
Normal luh!haha.

12. Long hair or short hair?
Middle again.

13. Plastic or metal?
Plastic metal, rubber acrylic wood.

14. Smells good?
roflmao.As long as not smelly.

15. Smoker?
hell no!

16. Drinker?
As long as it isn't too often.(:

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?

18. Muscular?
Middle middle middley!

19. Plays piano?

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?

21. Plays violin?

22. Sings very good?
Yeah!In the middle would be nice.

23. Vain?
Okay okay lah(:

24. With glasses?
Haha, sure thing.

25. With braces?
dotn really mind.

26. Shy type?
Not too shy and not too loud.

27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
Middle peep.

28. Active or passive?

29. Tight or bomb?

30. Singer or dancer?

31. Stunner?

32. Hiphop?

33. Earrings?
Don't mind^^

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?

35. Dimples?
YEAH! Dimples are cute/

36. Bookworm?

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?

38. Playful?
Don't mind:D

39. Flirt?

40. Poem writer?

41. Serious?
Okay okay lah.

42. Campus crush?

43. Painter?

44. Religious?
Freedom to express yoh.

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Don't mind?

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?

47. Speaks 20 languages?

48. Loyal or faithful?

49. Good kisser?
roflmao. yes/no

50. Loves children?

please note that the following people are tagged. and they are supposed to do the 'quiz' or 'note'.


NDP was like, fun.
And screw blogger! can't post any pictures whatsoever.
Haha, NDP got everyone high high skyhigh!
Especially the last part.
Community singing.!
But parade was awesomezx too, and so was band and dance.
and drama and the poem recital and FINE.
The entire celebration was uber tuber luber fun.
And I'm looking for 'replay' by Sean Kingston.
And so is Liney.
And I must watch 'ORPHAN' real real bad.
Is it NC 16?
And then now I'm in Brenda's house!
Went Swensens and queued up with Liney for like, ONE HOUR.
ONE whole hour can! Then in the one hour, I saw many many people, and including Esther Ong and Daveena.
Because they walked past me twice.
After we finally entered and yeah, ordered our food.
Waited for super long time and I slept.
and sometimes patience really helps alot alot.
After FINALLY eating, we finished everything in fifteen minutes.
Shows how hungry five people can really be.
And finally, ICE CREAM!
But due to the lack of manpower, my ice cream was left to melt.
And due to impatience, Liney, Brenda and I were dragged out, and we went to minitoons and play:D
And here I am.
Super sleepy super bored super pissed with the laptop.