Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lucky not.

Yesterday and today SUCKED.
Let's begin with yesterday.
I reached school very early for LAB's supposedly ting xie test.
I waited outside and Teresa came to call her.
It turned out to be cheng yu test.
Oh joy, I never learn.
I told LAB about it, and got a dressing down early in the morning.
That's not all. I was called over to 1G and had to stand at the door and sing the national anthem.
That's not all. I got scolded in front of her class.(Not really in front.)
That's not all. I have to copy five very very long chinese book reviews.
FUDGE. And that's not all.
I had to run up and down the stairs after school thanks to her.
That's not all. I was dragged to the First Aid training when I was about to go home.
Can like that one?
Pshhht. It was fun anyway. :D

That's not all.
The glitchy internet couldn't work and I spent yesterday making homosexuals on Sims.

I woke up at 9am, very happily.
I turned my head to my left and
I think I sprained my neck. Ouch okay.
Now I can't turn my head to the right, or look down properly.
This sucks.

Maybe I should write it in fml!

Okay, bye:D

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