Sunday, August 30, 2009


When I say jump you say how high.

My neighbour is so cute can?
He's TWO and his sister's like two weeks old or something.
And he kept giving me his miniature cars.
So cute can!
And his sister is so cute, small small one. (:
(Like duh, she's a newborn.)
And he was like, so excited and kept clapping and stamping his foot.
Half the time I was worried he might fall over.
Even after he spill apple juice still clap.
SO CUTE! (Okay, this is quite bimbotic.)
Its not gushing okay. Its like, like, when you see a cute thing and you say its cute.
Okay, LOL!

Cut cut cut my hair just now.
Hairdresser:You are the older or the younger sister? (In Mandarin)
Me:Younger. But I'm taller.

OH YEAAH! I loved myself for saying that. LOL!!

And do I look THAT old that I look older than Liney??
(Please say no. Shout whisper or whatever, just a no!!!)

And BRIAN wants to feature his name here.
Okay, BRIAN! stalked YULI!.
Anyway, Esther, Chelsea and I waited for the cookie baking team (Yuli and CY) for 2 hours.
But they rock : D And so do their SEVEN JARS of cookies.
While waiting, we ate hersheys in the library and almost got chased out.
Then Chelsea saw this small boy and this little girl.
AWW, they're like a couple. So sweet.
And there's something else but I can't say it. Too funneh.
Its about ( )
Okay, figure it out yourself.
And we got chased out of the library because we were laughing too much thanks to the lame script.
But the script is awesome btw.


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