Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Whoop the hoopie

Operator get me Bei jing jing jing!
Addicted to Banana phone!

We-ell, Vivian is down with throat infection,high high fever, and fluuuuu!
Doctor said I have a possibility of H1N1(heenee).
Fooosh.Yesterday was like, hell. Woke up very very dizzy,and took my temperature.
38.8, and I was like, wooooh. Can miss school.
But yeah,being sick kind of sucked.
Had to wait three freaking cold and sleepy and head pain hours for the doctor.
On the brightside,I got mask. :D
Measured my temperature, and I just off-ed the thermometer when I saw it hit 39.4 and it didn't stop.
You know,I was so awesome that I can fall asleep while watching Spongebob and eating lunch.
Aww man, so bored now. And I have to STAY AWAY from Adeline.
Wow, that may be quite easy peasy. Or not!
Haha,slept for the rest of the day. -.-

Guess what, Nura and Sharon are sick too.
Haha! I have friends! But they're going back tmr.
And I'm stuck till Friday.
And I'm actually supposed to sleep now.
Na na na now.
I shall update about Sunday some day.Heh.: D

Operator get me Bei Jing Jing Jing!
Jeng jeng jeng, bye.

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