Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Back to business

Online platforms (twitter, dayre, blogger...) are pretty much an emotion dump for me whenever I feel shitty or get frustrated over even on the tiniest of things. I know it isn't healthy to keep indulging in negativity despite the comfort I get typing it alll out, so here's a change! A happy post coming up Viv! May I read this in 5 years and laugh at myself haha.
I update dayre more, cus its super convenient especially if I want to upload pix and all!

I have no idea what to type about, but since I am free I shall hehe just put up some random pictures

At thy favourite place! Place to unwind, to push myself, be amazed at how I still can run despite not touching them purple shoes for so long, and just loving the chill vibes from the environment! Water, open air and loads of trees will not go wrong! 

I can't remember where this came from though.. probably somewhere at RWS Sentosa? but i like it~ if only it could be more aligned...

CRAB BEE HOON!!!! and best of all, enjoying it with family <3 p="">
I guess here's where the Taiwan pics come!!!

MARCH 2017 

- Okay i gotta admit, I am the worst tourist ever! I can only remember what I do, but not the places haha. But I am mighty sure these pictures are taken in Hua Lien, on 2 separate days. 
Here's some of my favourites, 1. when we went to this beach with loads of rock formations and a cliff, and where I took one of my most fav pictures! hehe. Photography isn't a niche cus I really cannot keep up with all the technicalities to it but well it is fun when you manage to take something that you like! 

The place that made me feel like I was on Mars

I love this picture! Feels so calm, otherworldly. And that couple, you don't know what's going on with them. Are they affirming their love, breaking up or just talking shit and enjoying the view.. we will never know. But hey they are really a great addition to this picture imo hehe.

And this is at Qi Xing Tan, Hua Lien also. 
We rented bicycles from our resort to cycle down the beach. Nice view, but sadly it felt a little too short!


So dumb viv decided to get her FEET soaked in the Pacific Ocean; a moment of significance for me turned into one of folly when the waves rushed up to my knee while I WAS IN MA JEANS

Okay and i think these pics are either in Taipei/Yi Lan

The view was gorgeous. 

Pretty dare devil-ish perching at the side of an almost 2-3 m drop! But the view was 10/10

doges of Taiwan <3 p="">
Aw waiting for a call??

it's tough life to be a pet. gotta work for his food.

This was taken in a pet cafe called Lang Lang Bie Ku! 
They take in rescue cats/dogs, most of them are friendly. If I'm not wrong, there have been instances where their babies get adopted! 

have more pictures but imma go get my coffee rn! 
Anyhoo some tiny things to look forward to, and I am pretty excited for school to start!
3 months of not having something LT to do is pretty boring!

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