Sunday, February 25, 2018

25 Feb

HELLO FRIENDS and whoever else is reading this space
Haven't been here in a while.

CNY just passed, and welllll I'm just shocked at how quickly time is passing.
It's already almost the end of Feb (cough 10 more months to Xmas! THE COUNTDOWN STARTS) and  Prelims are just tomorrow. But guess who has been sick for the past 4 days (i actually had the intention to study)?? MEEEEEEE
It started off with a sore throat after having half a pint of beer. Then it became a slight flu and cough, and slowly a throat infection. But managed to fight it off with the help of some medicine (on Vday evening some more leh....) and CNY was a breeze! Then suddenly i got a 39.5 deg fever. Help.
Turned out to be a viral infection. So after missing out on loads of good  food and steamboat, here I am, feeling very alive and glad that I do not need to eat porridge anymore. I feel like I've drank water til it tastes bitter and makes me wanna puke abit. Such a drama queen viv.

Did i just type  out one paragraph of mundane content. mmm yes I did.
I AM SO BOREDDD. I should be doing IPT now but I am currently blasting Hotel California and blogging. I am so happy to type cos I just cut my nails and that annoying "taka taka" sound ain't there hehehehe.

Anyway  if I don't fail anything, I'll be graduating this June/August. Part of me is excited on starting this new journey in life (or rather, be thrusted forcefully into it cos it is a phase of life we all go through  cos we age and aren't cute anymore); out to meet new people and most importantly help others but also get money and give it to my family.

Ok but honestly what I'm most excited for is GRAD TRIP! So far I'm only going to 2 smaller scale trips, Bangkok and Bali. Hope it'll be fun! Was wondering if I should go for a solo-trip... I really want to because honestly it's now or never, before work commitments eat me up. 

Context : DEAD FLOWERS that my uncle made fall off the bushes cos he reversed the car into them. :(
Luckily, the owner was really nice abt it hahaha.

OKAY time for me to study! bye friends, til next time, and for future viv, maybe i'll include a better update when you're on your usual nostalgic escapades.

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