Thursday, May 29, 2014

Partial liberation!

For the past 2 years i have never taken a full paper for any subject (cept gp) and I swear this was quite a trying thing for me given my low mental stamina and procrastination and all dat hahaha
HOORAY but well not really hooray when I think of my results?

OK I tried to change  the blog skin but well idk  something wrong with the codes after 20 minutes, I have officially given up hahaha say hello to the grey page.

MUCH LOVE TO TRACYBRION xoxo and LYNN CHARMAINE NIN SHIYI DODO CHINZ WENDY HWEI LINGZ for the notes and study packs and encouragement!
Your support and understanding really helped alot :) <3 nbsp="" p="">

So my day was practically started studying History late iinto the night (more of morning) AKA 3am.
Dom called and well we just chatted for half an hour and honestly one of the most mood switching chats ever hahahahah  and well I'm just glad to have her in class and as a friend and all that. Sometimes it's at random moments when you start appreciating people.

THREE HOURS OF SLEEP and it was time to wake up sobsob and go for the History paper!
Was e x h au s t e d but well COFFEE DOES WONDERS AND I WAS ALL PERKED UP AND READY FOR THE HISTORY PAPER except that my brain wasn't because of the amount of content I had yet to digest D:

So bullshit power it was hehehehe

After the awful paper Gwenz & I went Dhoby Ghaut to eat & collect her burden phone.
NAM NAM NOODLE BAR BEST PHO EVER (because thats the only place I've ever gone to to eat pho)
Walked around and BOUGHT THIS COTTON ON TOP *spaz*
Haven't gone shopping and our hands were  itchy heh but gwenz was broke and I wasnt (FOR ONCE)
Went to Nex to meet the 05 peeps to watch Xmen WHICH WAS REALLY INTENSE AND AWESOME.

Utterly exhausted and took the bus home with Max
I swear this person is one of the most entertaining people I have ever met hahaha

and now i'm home and bored and sleepy but I do not want to sleep yet bitches

YAY photos from CNY to make you less bored
Are you still bored?

oKay  :(

Been awake for around 21 hours so...................................................................................
nothing much is coming out of this fried brain of mine!
WILL BLOG MORE SINCE HOLS ARE HERE and I will definitely put something on to this space (and change the bloody template) when I feel inspired or something hehehe.

HORROR MOVIE MARATHON TOMORROW NIGHT i don;t know whether to feel excited or not,I feel more of lazy haha but I paid for that shit and i dont think i'll be able to sell it off at such a short notice :(


& hi brion sorry for disappointing u with this sad boring post but at least i posted hehehehe

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