Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Last last Wednesday
There was volleyball farewell! Kinda feel sad stepping down I mean it's been 2 years already?
Too fast :-(
With the entire team! Will post up other photos next time hehe
 With Felicia and Elaine! Thanks for being there!

Last Last Friday

Early birthday celebration for the shitty egg! ^=^
So they went Eighteen Chefs for lunch (sad me had lessons which stretched till 330)
and then IT  RAINED :(
But hey guess what, THE RAIN STOPPED FOR US HOOOOOoooOoOooooOOOooRAY!

So we managed to keep her  blindfolded as we led her to paradise (Jurong East swimming complex heh)
Crazy fun with these wonderful bunch of girls who are always always for eternity there for one another.

 That white flash there on my swimsuit.....I have no idea what it is gosh my swimsuit is entirely dark blue nothing else on it. What a mystery! :O
Anyway (go back to 8th June) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHITTY ONG SHIYI! <3 p="">
I think you must be reading this since I told you I was gonna blog!
Thank goodness I joined Brownies and then RCY! 10 years same school 10 years  of shianship!
 Lovelies: Joce Wen Chinzy Shiyi  

Geylang East Swimming Complex

This is one of my favourite places in SG (apart from my home hahaha)
I de-stress here, get  alone time, and everytime I put my head in the water It's just one of the world's most priceless experiences. (well technically not priceless bc of the entrance fare)

When my eyes are open underwater, EVERYTHING happens in slow motion. And you can't hear them, no and you can only hear the kicks the strokes people make in the water. 
when I close my eyes underwater,
It just feels like I'm not in my body, when I am, and I feel like we're all just floating about in nothing.

I don't think anyone understands this haha DON'T JUDGE ME
Look how calm the water is during closing hours 
andddddd.......... NEW GOGGLES!
They're actually more gorgeous in real life! Badass reflective lenses, the most gorgeous baby blue latex straps *.* T'was love at first sight *.*

Caught How to Train Your Dragon 2 with my favourite bimzy! <3 p="">
HTTYD2 was super super super good. The sad part WAS sad but Disney is Disney best, and I love how they made the sad part somehow positive. (not gonna spoiler)

Really love how we can unleash our (often judged) bimbo side and know that it's okay we'll still love each other despite the bimziness :')
AND KEV THE BIRD HAS A NEW GIRL-a pink hipster birdie with a flower crown!
see the colour diff hahahaha

 Woke up late anddddddd decided to make meself some lunch.
(yes meself, with  the irish accent hehe)

 Yup, so I decided to make baked marinated chicken!
Simple marinade : Soya sauce, honey and for a little bit of tangy flavour, I added some salad dressing I found in the fridge!

 Well here's the part I dislike the most, marinating (which I do with barehands).
But after contemplating and weighing the pros and cons, i decided to use the zip-lock bag!
These bags are god-send you know. they can be used for so many things. (But well mainly storage lul)
So after squishing the chicken here and there in the ziplock filled with marinade, left it there for around 20 minutes! For better flavour, the ideal marinating duration should be around 2 hours but I was pretty pressed for time BECAUSE I WAS STARVING

Popped it into the oven and baked at @ 350F for around 20 minutes!
And here's a lil something: poking holes before putting in the chicken would help you very much.
It makes it easier (at least for me it does) to check if the chicken is ready to be consumed!
Stabbed the chicken a couple of times (I'm so sorry chicken) before I put it in the oven! & to see if it is ready, I poke the chicken 100000 times more and if it's super easy to stab at all parts,IT'S COOKED!

Fried egg with cai xin (pickled lettuce if im not wrong!) with diced tomatoes on top.
I just wanted to try to be healthy and have some veggies in this meal therefore the tomatoes!
Not a pretty meal but NOTHING WAS BURNT and as someone who burns things alot in the kitchen 
(I set 8 marshmallows on fire) , THIS IS AN ACCOMPLISHMENT HOORAY!

A clean cut not raw therefore I am happy.

 and hello hellooooo just went out with Shiyi just now for dinner and a movie, Blended!
Humour with commitment, I call it. Commitment because there's a good storyline involved and these'll get attached to them. Thus the term commitment. and it;s funny hehehe.
Like crazy funny and relatively smart kind of funny.

But before that, I had 2 hours of math tuition, followed by a mad rush home, and a 4 hours intense econs session @ Advo. Gosh I nearly fell asleep while doing a case study.
and I felt rather dumb  because this tuition group had only 2 guys and one girl (me) and they two had like PSLE scores above 258.......... and mine is just, gosh whatever I got an A* for Math and that's good enough for me.

Really excited for Fri when I can go out with Brion, and next Mon when I can go out with ma lovelies!
Gosh hope I can finish all the shit I gotta revise and do real soon..
Haven't exactly been productive this holidays. :(

ANYWAY gonna bake nutella filled nutella cookies tomorrow SO EXCITED hope they'll turn out fine!


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