Saturday, March 08, 2014

Ninth March

Currently feeling crazy drowning lost sleepy regretful hungry and extremely grateful.

Grateful for the selfless friends I have who are always willing to lend a helping hand even if I don't ask for one. <3 br="" nbsp=""> And well my common tests are coming up next week! Really afraid because I haven't been doing shit till like last Thursday??

Gotta stop  procrastination and all the excuses I give myself.
Someone , help :(

ANYWAY i am crazy immensely proud of my friends who took the A levels this year!
You've all done superbly well and I b feelin like a proud mama hahaha :-D

I really hope that next year, I can at least see my name on the screen once, and stand up when they call my name. AND ALSO SEE MY BUDDIES GO UP ON STAGE.
hur hur

Okay shall end this short and um un-flowy post with a CNY picture ^.^

till next time

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