Friday, January 17, 2014


Utterly exhuasted and really sleepy.
you can see the typo i made up there hehe supposed to be exhausted but im too lazy to correct it.
Anyway, tomorrow is the start of my busybee weekend : (

screw this semi-flip model that i truly dislike. Okay I don't really hate it just that i feel that the conventional lecture-tutorial model is more conventional to me (or i am just lazy to adapt to this change)

THEN THERE IS CCA. There goes my entire Saturday.

Sunday: facial (heh cny coming whut) & tuition. one day also gone.

Well it doesn't seem that busy but when I calculate the hours I have 'lost' to these stuff it really does incur quite a large opp cost considering the fact that I have 2 tests that I have yet studied for nor grasped the concepts of. (awkward and totally wrong grammar and or sentence phrasing heeeeeh)

Well I am controlling my 'aw damn this really sucks' mode actually hahahahaha
I am such a weak person I have to be more strong willed and determined!

OK but sleep comes first good night.

what is this post about i dont even knoowww ha ha ha ha
here's an adorable cat bc you wasted time reading this hehehe

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