Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fate VS Effort

Just a post I found in my drafts! 
Felt pretty deep for a moment then, but after letting my thoughts out, I felt that this post was nothing and I didn't feel THAT inspired in reading it compared to when I was writing it. 
Deep feels, you know?
And well I just decided to keep it until I felt that I could post it because I found it pretty lame then har har har. 
Certain whining and lamenting here and there, but ultimately there's a main point in that.
nothing personal gais.

So, fate vs effort, here goes.
Karma. Its something we all face I guess. Ultimately, no evil can get away for long because the retribution they face will be done so one way or another. Just like if one wants to use a shortcut cheat method to escape what bad thing will entail of him, the karma will hit back at him- however indirectly, probably the people closest to him will suffer his consequences which in turn, their demise or misery will cause the antagonist to suffer. Karma.

"Theosophy. the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to the person's deeds in the previous incarnation."

Why am I suddenly writing about karma? WELL I just watched "Coffin" last night. Its about a young man , and several years later, a woman, undergoing a Thai ritual of lying in a coffin, which is supposed to ensure long life and banish bad luck. The ritual is also seen as a solution to fatal genetic diseases and diseases like cancer.

The man, Chris, wakes and is brought to the hospital where doctors say he suffers from hallucinations. It turns out that the hallucinations are paranormal visits by his ex-girlfriend, who dies, along with her child, just when his wife is cured.

 The woman on the other hand is rid of her lung cancer, however is haunted by her boyfriend, Jack, whom she was supposed to marry, who died shortly after she went for the ritual. The woman consults an expert in the paranormal, and later Chris, to try to solve her supernatural difficulties.

So their bad  karma was inadvertently transferred to the people they loved. So well, in this show karma was like the sand inside an hourglass, when one side rids of it, it piles entirely to the other so it's a one or the other kind of thing.

Was watching this with my parents, when we were talking about how the things we use now are borrowed from our children. (OH it was from some Oscar winning environmental film advertisement) Then, the conversation went on to 4D &; TOTO, where my mum said that she had no luck in these. Guess what, her birthday number was the winning number and she didn't buy it. Mmmhmmm no wonder she said that.
So I went on to be whiny and lamented how some people always have things going their way. Always meeting the right people, making the right decisions, doing the right things at the right time....

and well my mum said that my sister had better luck & had things going better than me. Weellll i dont know how my sister feels about it, but I think that its pretty true.

Somehow I feel that the decisions I make are always wrong and tend to go awry, Well its just that the routes you chose are harder, she said.
Idek I just felt this burst of anger. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY I CHOSE THE HARDER ROUTES, ISN'T IT THE SAME AS JIE JIE???? Oh well summed it up verbally with an "mmmhmmmmm".

(DISCLAIMER: My sister is really brilliant and smart and capable and she worked really crazy hard for what she has and actually comparing luck isn't such an accurate nor good and proper measure.)

So frustrated and empty over something, over nothing. I don't even know what's wrong. Life is good, I have things I need things I want, people whom I know I can rely on and that they will never give up on me. Food shelter water tuition school education an awesome and comfortable bed. But am I just fated to amount to this much? I do try my best when I do things. CCA, tests, studies, even with friends.

But well somehow they sometimes don't work out at all. Is it fate vs effort? So....what if I decide to escape all the problems by leaving // just eating a miracle pill?
Well firstly the person who gave me the miracle pill would definitely want something irreplaceable from me. AKA maybe the ability for me to grow my hair on my head (which means I will be bald forever) or my youth or something. KARMA. One for another.

Secondly, if my problem is gone will the problem just be deposited to a problem incinerator or something? Welllll i don't think so, and well it might instead just go to someone else and I will indirectly suffer the consequences. And well that was very well shown in "Coffin".

So if we are fated to something, do we simply just be resigned to it? Do we just let whatever happen happen, or do we try to get ourselves out of this sticky situation by cheating and let others suffer from or bad karma? What goes around comes back around. Us humans use up so much resources from Earth, and we even poison her even. And we suffer. Not all of us though. Life is indeed unfair. There'll be a losing party somehow. But well, even if you lose you still win in some ways I guess.

Ultimately, it could have been.

Blessed, xx

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