Thursday, March 13, 2014

During Ada's 1st! 

Anyway my CTs are over hallelujah!
But well they're pretty screwed sigh pie :'(
Lesson learnt; no procrastination for my mid years!

So.....I slept at 430am this morning since my paper was an afternoon paper and I could still sleep in hur hur hur.
Okay not really sleep in considering the fact that I slept for like 4 hours.


Shall blog about Ada's first birthday party!
She's my first "direct" niece hehe. ok may be not direct, like the closest in this lineage!
THE HAPPIEST AUNTS IN THE WORLD probably happier than the birthday girl herself hahaha jk.

So we went to the same condo that Ada celebrated her first month!
Really reminded me of all the awesome fun celebrations and random gatherings my parents and relatives would organise for us, then bring all their kids over!
Sigh I really miss that! Now it's our turn to sit and watch them play and be the "policing" adults.
okay not adults we're not that old.


well, then after eating and all we decided (ok only me) to have some fun with the kids.
So these kids were like playing the "dont let the balloon hit the floor" game.
And I helped this kid hit the balloon, it landed somewhere andddd BURST.

Call me a monster I deserve it because he cried pretty badly :'''''(

So we quickly got out of the function room and just when the door was closing, the same kid walked towards the door, AND THE DOOR SWUNG BACK AT HIM.
thank goodness he didn't get hit.
But poor thing he has one thing coming after the other and both were bad :(
(bad grammar huehuehue)

So blessed to have such awesome family :') 
ne'way gonna go timbre tonight if i'm not wrong hope I won't crash

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