Sunday, January 12, 2014


hey guys if anyone is reading this~
I haven't been updating this space as often as I used to....and I have alot to update haahh.
Mostly pictures but idk how to get them up on the web from my phone....

Anyway I managed to promote to JC2!
Really happy but well who cannot forsee this bloody impending storm ahead....
the craziness of jc2 life?
I know this is not the most extreme studying and juggling with work life love experience, but so far this (i predict) will be my MOST EXTREME one.
So please don't judge me and say that I complain too much about a studying experience that isn't as intensive as yours! This is from my perspective of things hor!

For now it's pretty alright, except for the sudden and super duper last minute addition of homework!
Its either i didn't know about it or just plan last minute notifications.
And well my weekends.......................i used to be able to head to somewhere and settle down to study for close to 8-10 hours (with breaks of course!) but now, my sundays are taken, and saturdays are for family time (which i know i have to forgo soon :'( ) and makeup tutorials / lectures.
Oh dear lord my heart is just crying and my body is just meh and my face is freaking breaking out w pimples :'(

But well, so far it's only the first week of school and all feels pretty alright!
But my bodeh needs to get used to sleeping less :(
OK enough of school which my complaints have and are pretty exaggerated. But hey some of it is and will be true!
My beautiful cousin has given birth to a really beautiful baby girl!
Her name is really long and idk how to spell it hahaha but she is a really pretty little baby girl!
really really happy hehehe now I have like, a generation under me`
2 nieces and 1 distant nephew who is really adorable and gets really happy when he realises that the answer on a question is the same as the one before and he gets to copy.
I don;t have photos right now, but i will definitely upload them once I get it!
So so so stoked for Chinese New Year. CUTE BABIES UNITE!!!!!!

oh and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MY LUVLY FILIPINO, TRACY BRION! <3 p="">we took this at her 18th bday last year! Happy nineteenth birthday :') you haz grown woman.

& happy birthday to the tree! aka brian chia who will be bald soon.
don't have a picture though hahaha oops. BUT YAY TO THE 19 YR OLD TREE!
Another ring to end to your trunk huh! (hope this is not wrong in any way)

21 DEC 2013

OKAY g'bye there's school tomorrow!!!!

& I believe I have found my natural habitat

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