Thursday, August 08, 2013

a cold fact

I know people have already said this but let me say it for myself. Recently,I've been feeling
lonely despite being surrounded by friends, close or not, or even strangers. I mean, yes I 
know them but I feel like I'm disconnected, isolated. No they're not isolating me but I feel 
like I'm isolating myself. I mean so much has changed over a mere 1.5 years. I can safely 
say that I have matured over this period in the way I handle things because sometimes, it's 
not worth crying over something/ someone who wouldn't appreciate you anyway. 
Sometimes, you just gotta do what's best for you, even though .... you let go of that issue. 

Friendships lost, people distancing from each other despite the history together. OH WELL, 

it's just too bad then? Sometimes, it's not worth fixing it anyway. There's a "cold" 
environment now, it's spreading like wildfire. I'm not sure if I can save myself from it 
because the inevitable has already happened.

-Cr: Tracy Brion @

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