Saturday, July 20, 2013


chopped my locks off hehe. Just discovered this really really belated post when I was scrolling thru my posts thinking of something to blog since Brion told me to bloggg.

It wasn't supposed to be THIS short but apparently it is now andddddd sigh i am indeed missing my long hair alot. :(

So Liney and I went to Topstyle (some hairdressing place) to cut my hair and dye Liney's hair.
I settled for a trainee to trim my hair and well I was like, oh I wanna trim my hair till here.
*points at the top 1/3 of the black breastpocket*

So she cut my hair andddddddd it was freaking short.
I guess I must have told her the wrong length because when she second-confirmed it with me it was measured with my back so I didn't know how short it was and just went with it.
so this is my long hair........................................................and I can't find a photo to post to show my short hair haha sooooo the approximate length of my hair now is half the length you see in the photo.
SIGHZ but hair will grow right? :)
It's a good change though because now I don't have to chuck my hair from one shoulder to the other, and my head is feeling so much lighter I can fly :D
I can't do hair flicks anymore and it kills me a little insideeee :'(
KIDDING. But wellz time to stop blogging now and start doing my work!
2 months to promos and I am not going to fail it this time.
ps:I have a new hobby on late Friday nights when I have the laptop. OMEGLE.COM hehe but not with the weird horny people ah. You'd be surprised with how many awesome people there are on omegle :)

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