Saturday, July 20, 2013

19 Jul

Please forgive me when I forget you.
Fri, 19 July.

Today is just freaking meh. Friday but freaking meh.
Wasn't looking forward to PTM...just wanted this day to end.

But wellll the day started of pretty well with  a nice and slow walk to my bus stop :-)
No rush because I knew I wasn't going to be late!
School was just school lah huh all the usual shizz happened and all
lessons break lessons

But I actually had fun in History today hoooooray! The intern teacher was pretty good!
Class energy level raised by like 10000000% for sure hehehe!

But well was pretty sad when I couldn't seem to make yq and q feel better sighz  :(
It sucks to see your friends so sad and upset and you can't do anything about it!!

Headed to Crossroads Café after History! Was so freaking tempted to eat Tom Yam Maggie Mee again but I actually ate it already twice this week AND INSTANT NOODLES ARE UNHEALTHY ALL THE MSG AND SHIT.

Had a great ten or so minutes chatting w the class girls and all! So looking forward to the takoyaki and movie and cat date w PS hehe! Just have to wait for promos to be overrrrrr!!!!!!!!!1
Next was GP  lesson. Meh. GP lesson is always MEH. But was pretty proud of myself for taking notes down instead of stoning! IT'S TIME FOR IMPROVEMENT!

Went for Friday date lunch the Brion Louise Amurao. Gah miss doing this a lot!
Sitting and eating and just talking~~~ Its good to have  someone where you can be retarded and all and not feel horrible after being judged.
 Been judged countless of times by this girl who always wants to palo me hehehe.

anyway we did a good deed leh! We helped  this Indonesian couple find their way to their hostel!
I sound like an excited kid but hey it's nice to feel good about the things you do once in a while right?
Headed back to school and after a while, it was CCA time. Got chided for strolling around w/o changing to sports attire bef CCA started hehehe I just like going to places on time la.
BUT that is a bad habit that I should change man. CCA was kinda fun hehe but I was pretty tired and all....starting to like my CCA mates (I mean I don't hate them la I just am starting to know them better) they're really nice people!

Did the usual running drill serving spiking digging drills and then we had to go off for PTM.
HUMANSHARK CAME! Honestly glad to see her though we didn't talk much!

Was in a panic state of mind when my dad disappeared when I got back from depositing my bag in the car. I THINK MY PANIC MODE WAS PRETTY FUNNY BECAUSE THEM OTHER PARENTS WERE LAUGHING AT ME D:

He was exploring the school hahahahahahaha.  So PTM wasn;t as bad as I thought it would be but I would have preferred it to be conducted by my form teacher instead of A TEACHER WHO DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ME AND JUST READS OFF A PIECE OF SUMMARISED REMARKS OF ME. SERIOUSLY?!?!?! I've been told the same thing as last  year what is this??

My mumwas kind of raging too hahaha and I was kinda scared she'd just start screaming and all but she's really level-headed and kept her cool. I guess.
Had KFC after that! This will be the last time I eat fast food for this month (which is ending pretty soon).
Headed home and alllllll TV laptop and sleep.
So there's how my day went woop woop!

Hoping for a great study Saturday!
 Have a great weekend folkssss

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