Thursday, June 20, 2013

What Does Name "Vivian" Mean

You are fixed in your opinions, firm in your friendships and square in your dealings with others. The letter "V" is the master builder. You are an excellent worker. Since you are both possessive and emotional, you can be either very practical or very impractical and unpredictable. Your dual nature needs to become steadfast. You are the marrying kind. You are intuitive and interested in the arts, drama and/or science. In critical situations you can become aggressive, intense and even out of control. Depending of your level of mentality and spirituality, you may try to resolve the issue in a loving and creative manner, or in the worst scenario, become impractical, selfish and overly sensitive.
You are seeking freedom, opportunities to enjoy life: to make love, to go places and to do things. You are very adventurous and willing to take risk to achieve your objectives. New ways and new experiences can't satisfy your restless nature. One adventure leads you to another, but it doesn't mean you are irresponsible. You are honest and fair, because you know that this is the only way to receive justice and honesty from other people. But your personal growth is vital for your, and it is difficult to be tied down by rules and obligations. Your restless spirit might best controlled by choosing the field of work that meet your demand for action and adventure.

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