Saturday, October 31, 2009

Like boomz! I'M BACK!
Ah shit, i can't post now, STUPID SON OF SEB'S hasn't finished posting it on fb.
Missing the orphans and SJAB and Red Crescent (*wink*) peeps there!

ROFL, okay, the trip was seriously damn fun loh.
And the spastic burst shots.
And guess what, Seb and Isaac actually gossip.

Highlights, Orphanage, SJAB visit, and Red Crescent. (AND SHOPPING!)

Orphanage: I met this girl called _____ . I doubt she had any close friends in the ophanage luh. So I started to talk to her (cool, i finally know what's tak boleh.HEHEHEH.). Turns out her birthday is the same as my dad's! So freaking cool can. So I gave her the gift and she kissed my hand and held her hands to her heart and said she was very very happy today.
And when we were about to go, it was super sad that some people cried. And its because of the sadness and disappointment in their eyes when you're leaving.

Update another time then. Byebye!

chin yee: you wink what wink huh(: glad you never post. or else, I MURDER YOU(:
LOL! wink wink wink wink! I won't tell luh. I miss the pillow :(
LittleBoy: I hope you're enjoying yourself in MALACCA
HAHA, yepp enjoyed ourselves alot alot!
shi xing: so dun use it larh
shi xing: usin **** nt cool oso
shi xing: usin fml nt cool
LOL, its just a website. haha, who are you?

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