Monday, November 02, 2009

, i can't really post about the Malacca trip now, because I lazy upload the (vivian found her usb!) pictures from my phone, and right clicking and saving the pictures into my file is very tedious.

Thank you Isaac wanita for posting :D

Bus rides on the bus were super fun! Okay, day one!
Assembled in school and fell in with jeans. (weird.)
Left for the supposedly claustrophobic double deck bus, and sat with CY while Shiyi and Jocelyn sat horizontally beside us. :D
Were being disturbed by the two idiots in front of us. HA HA.
Finally reached the checkpoint and all, changed to a very spacious bus.
(Why am I typing all these?)
Had lunch at an awesome Nyonya restaurant. (My wedding lunch.)
The decors were like those of a wedding banquet lor.
And ____ was taking alot alot alot of rice. ._.
Took many random and candid pictures and BURST pictures and videos!
(On facebook.)


PhotobucketWell, at the kampung. This kampung won most creative kampung! the white stuff there are not buds, they're eggshells. Coolzx.


Hear no evil, see no evil, say no evil, SMELL no evil.

We went back to the hotel. Oh, i almost forgot!
Aisyah was my room mate! Mission impossible!:D
Cool or what, we were the only two to one room people! :D

Hahaha! Went for debrief after that, very fun . :D
Sneaked in to CY's room with chipsters and watched America's Next top model.
Super bimbo siah, these people.
End of day one.

This is my Monday plan:
Wake up.
Watch TV.
Play Computer.
Give them to Sean >:)
then it'll be after dinner schedule.

This is Sean's Monday plan for me:
Wake up.
Watch TV.
Play Computer,
Bake Cookies.
Eat the cookies.
Fall sick.
Go hospital.
Repeats the whole thing on Tuesday.

Sucker! Currently wondering where my report book is. :/

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