Saturday, December 31, 2022

eoy 2022

 2022 has been.... i wouldn't say it was super rough but more of a bunch of not so good things happening in the process of natural ageing and of course, growing up & being exposed to different experiences. 

Looking back at my old posts, i used to love to capture memories in the form of pictures, words... nowadays it's mainly on IG stories, and i guess i just do things and if its memorable i snap a pic of it. 

i have an incredible amount of things on my mind right now, and I finally have some time to really delve into it and just feel them through. 

i was a little grumpy today towards my mum, all because she was just nagging at me when i stepped home, and i being a sensi kid felt the tension of it all when i stepped into my house. Which is really stupid, i tend to compare and overthink so much that it just makes me this grumpy person. I know that side of me exists but i really hate it when it comes out and just spoils the mood for everyone. 

Relationship wise - i guess i'm not ready. I do wonder if I'm capable of really loving anyone. Liking is easy but loving is different. I guess I'll just keep to what I have and just plod on! No rush if there's no one that's suitable right hahaha. But of course, reminder that if red flags aplenty, drop his ass immediately.

This December, was the passing of two people whom I have heard of and seen battling cancer. It was a close friend's father, and another, my aunt. I cannot begin to understand the pain them and their loved ones have been through throughout the years. This is a personal note - where I would like to remember them and their strength, legacy, and love I've seen and grown to know. 

Here's to the constants - my bb Spot, my family, cousins, friends, even some colleagues, for sticking by. I really felt that so much more this 2022. It hasn't been an easy year, but we do what we do best - by sticking to the ones we love for support (and vice versa), taking things as they flow even if it's difficult. 

But of course please i genuinely hope so much for the people i love and myself - that we will eventually settle well and be happy. <3 

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