Tuesday, April 23, 2019

I guess we all need to go to our old places

Places where we spoke of our dreams, our sadness our problems. Perhaps listen to the same songs and try to remember how you felt. When you thought you were at your lowest, and when you felt like you were unstoppable.
What shall pass will pass, and what's meant to stay will stay. 
Time is fleeting and we are always feeling, so never feel like it's the end of your world. And never make anything your everything.

I think having too much time does make me feel very very extremely lost.

Not just on what am I gonna do in the future - ish, but also emotions and even friends, relationships... I don't know what to do most of the time. There's so much to do yet nothing to do at all. 

I'm not sure if I miss you you, or just because you were nice to me. I have to admit if we don't talk again it's my fault and I'm sorry. I don't know if you still want to talk to me though.

See so lost hahaha.

What am I expecting even.

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