Saturday, February 23, 2019

remnants of 2018 and abit of 2019

Finally on my laptop and have some time to spare before i nap!!!
It's already end of Feb, 2019. WHERE DID ALL THE TIME GO??
Time really does fly, and it's scary when you look back age 15 where you were just wishing to be 18. Right now I just wanna be 15 again. But that's 9 years ago???
And in a few years I'll be looking at this post thinking, wow i was 24 then.
And 24 isn't young anymore..

OK so just a lowdown


MAY - FINALS, and shifting of doggo shelter away from Pasir Ris :(
But ayyy got Spot the cat <3 loml.="" p="" true="">
JUNE - Loss of a loved one. Still feels fresh and unreal... i miss you.

Bali trip

JULY - DEC --- Internship and social anxiety


JAN - Erm cleaning the house quite abit an going out and all

I feel so sluggish right now. I think hot weather makes me suuuuuper unproductive... cos all i wanna do in this weather is to swim or chill by the pool.

I know it seems like I'm downplaying all that has happened in the past year, but it feels like I don't have the energy to type it alll out like I used to....

I'll blog bit about Phuket though!!! Getting them pix.
See you in abit, blogger.

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