Monday, April 11, 2016

Haven't written anything on this space in such a long time.
boy, how  much life has changed.
I never imagined it to be this way, but well I guess we all have to be adaptive and live with it.
Nothing stops for no one. Even the bus drives away when you can't catch it.

Anyway, really really love this song.
It just holds so much meaning so much excitement and nostalgia to me.
I feel that it's a "chronological" kind of song. ok i can't put the words here because they aren't appearing in my head ugh idk how to describe.  But I can imagine, the first part where there's a change to a more upbeat and elegant tone, is when Howl meets Sophie hehehe. Makes me want to dance and just stay in the moment of fantasy and enchantment that this song brings.
I've always wished to be Sophie (haha had a crush on Howl heheh) and I love this movie so very much! Actually most of the Studio Ghibli movies.
I remember the first one I watched was when I was in primary school, Spirited Away, with my cousin sis and brother. We were in my cousin's home for a sleepover. Amazing childhood hahah.
One thing I hate about Studio Ghibli movies is the withdrawal symptoms you get... I would spend days getting over it each time I watched one omg. Except for Ponyo hahaha.
With all the cousins doing their own things, aunts and uncles getting busy and stuff.. idk I just can't help but wish that we could all be kids again. Nothing can replace that kind of joy and light feeling we had when we all travelled and played together. amd well, watching Michael Jackson MVs, musical soundtrack compillation concerts and Studio Ghibli shows with the cool  air in Genting.
So many wonderful and fun memories :')

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