Monday, August 11, 2014

New times

Hello friends gonna just type some stuff here put some pictures and most likely won't bbe touching this space for like 2 - 3 weeks because of prelims!

Anyway really extremely and genuinely stoked for my friends who are going to uni and or are starting a new journey in their lives! School starts for the NUS peeps today idk about those in NTU, and whatsapp is just full of  "i wanna sleep" messages HAHAHAHAHA

Call me a sadist but I'm enjoying this heh heh heh
So friends, here's to you

HAVE FUN MY LOVES, really hope to join you all real soon! <3 p="">

(ps i am wearing shorts here)

Anyway here's a (not everyone present but) FAMILY SELFIE

byez hoping for the best for prelims! ^.^

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