Wednesday, March 17, 2010

dear john, i miss you so much it hurts.

Went to watch Dear John with Shiyi and Sing Yee today!
We were supposed to meet at the first cabin in the train. then they went to the last cabin and left me all alone and sad in the first cabin. Met at outram (finally -.-)
Poofed to vivo and chionged all the way to the cinema. THE MOVIE WAS AWESOME
Except for some parts which were pretty boring. HAHAHA.
Went to find the clutch after the movie. Aww man, couldn't find it so we went to eat.
And hahahaha we prank called this person. WAZZZUP.
Went clutch hunting but to no avail /:
So we tried to get lost. And we couldn't find Far East Plaza.
Then we prank called again. Went to Shiyi's void deck.
And prank called again. HAHAHA super funneh.

And now I'm home!
and liney fell off a bike, said facebook.

Ok bye!

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