Tuesday, March 16, 2010

d: ˙ǝןdoǝd spɐǝɥ ɹnoʎ ʇɹǝʌuı ¡uɐɯ ʇɐɥʍ ɹo ןooɔ
¡uuuuʍop ǝpısdn ƃuıʇsod 'ǝʞıן ɯ,ı 'ǝɹǝɥʇ ʎǝɥ

HAHAHA cool or what man.

happy birthday Aisyah Mission Impossibler mate!

Woke up at 10 today, so couldn't go eat Mac's and nobody did.
Sean showed me the video and i laughed till i cried. LOL!

Screaming eggs!

And I did MATH. Cool right.
Went Downtown east to eat JUST ACIA!
And I finished everythin and i'm not full. Accomplishment.
Went to fetch Liney to her chalet.
HAHAHA and guess what, coucillors were having camp there!
First saw Brian, then some other councillors and then Isaac Ashley they all.
COOL MANZXX. Then jocelyn all that!
Went home and here I am blogging -.-

OKAY time to do other things other than blogging.
Bye nao!

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