Thursday, January 21, 2010

i think i have a memory problem. :/
Everytime aft i try to recall things, (like what i sis in the past 2-7 hours) they are like big white empty spaces in between. :(

Okay... school was... mudane?
My class is okay, but i freakin' hate my seat. :(
I can't see anything from there! And the view at the window ain't good, i can't sleep cos the teacher's desk is directly in front of me, the curtains are annoying, i can't see the noticeboard because teachers like to stand at the corner and teach and i get damn bored there, and i get sunburnt (haha,) and lots of other complaints argh!

Haiz, may not be able to go cohort camp!
I seriously wanna go lah.
Okay bye now. :)

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