Saturday, January 02, 2010

I can never get tired of this show! and episode. :D
i like the song! Its called Grande Valse Brilliante.

Argh i'm so bored.
Yay to my short posts.
And Happy new year (i know its kinda late) to everyone!
Goodbye 2009 and hello 2010!
Isn't that 2 more years to the EOW??
Let's not think about it for now.
2009 was a fun but not so productive year for me (as in,studies.)
I'll miss 2D'09 and the clique.
Its gonna be so different when school reopens! ):

School's reopening in 2 days. Haiz.

It has been over a year since I was last rickrolled. GMH

haha, the funniest GMH post i've read so far, lol!

Went cycling ytd with Brenda and Amelia!
it was fuuuun!

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