Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Belle of the Boulevard.

Changed my blogskin!
Kept the 'pernicious' word because it sounds nice.
But it doesn't have a good meaning. :X
Didn't keep it for the meaning ah.
And one thing, once you click on the 'up up and away' , it will kinda like refresh the entire page.

Yesterday's training was... fun.
Minus the part where I wasn't feeling too good. HAHAHA.

The hentak was.... tiring,
a very good workout and helps us form muscles on the legs. -.-

Fancy drill was super fun! :D

Saw Benjamin from KHS at KFC! I don't think i was recognised. x:

Go to hell you stupid throbbing headaches.
I think I am suffering from insomnia?

Bye now!

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