Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Posters are for fun.

Hahaha good morning people of the earth. LOL!
My brother owes me 2 dollars because I let him use the computer.
Patience and love for the computer gives you the internet. HAHA LOL.
Internet was being a btch thats why I didn't update on Monday which was ytd.
(The date of this post on the blog is 23/11 but i posted it on 24th. Confused?Bet you are. :D )

And today morning was pretty funny.

TV: Guys says:"and eversince 1998, every summer has become hotter than the previous one."
Sean: Is it because I was born already?

Thick skin! Lol!
Liney's prom is today. HAHA, her toenails are purple and scary.
Like some witch like that , kidding.
Can't wait for tmr! Going for childcare and submitting appeal form.
I don't mind if the appeal doesn't succeed, after all combined sci isn't very bad.
Its just the difference in sciences.
I feel that i'm contradicting myself, haha.

SOMEONE got her unlimited messages. Plus a new phone.
I still love sony!

2012 will be the end of the world meh? Will it?
I read the horrible history book and it was about Egypt.
And one part read:"...and it is predicted that 2979 will be the
end of the world..."
Walao, I was so happy luh!


Until I watched Nostradamus 2012 on History channel.
Why can't we make a time machine and go back 500 years,bring the guy to life, and make him tell us what's gonna happen and how to prevent it?

Wow. I need a life. Vivian stop posting about 2012. You're scaring yourself. (-.-!!!)
Cats Pictures, Images and Photos
So cute. LOL!

Dreamt of something real funny last night.
And I think I even laughed in my sleep??
I dreamt of this joke before:"
What is an Indian man's name?
And I laughed like shit there.
I dont know why I found it really funny.
And its not racist or whatever, just a dream.

superman Pictures, Images and Photos
I used to like to watch it alot. I always thought Superwoman was Superman's wife.
Wait, is it?

LOL! Bye now!

Tag replies:
shi yi: HEY! :D woman, update la! i MISS READING YOUR BLOG! :D HAHA! OMG, IMMA SCARED FOR 2012! *prays that doomsday will not come*

Haha, I also veh scared leh. VERY VERY SCARED. Aww, thanks for reading my blog, I don;'t think anyone reads it. heh heh heh. Hopefully doomsday will never come lo. :D Haha, you update super duper fast luh. You were like, brb i go update,then like, 2-4 minutes later then you back alr!

: and 2016.... aliens invasion year!!!!!!
haha we're gonna appeal. imma pray for you that it turns out well for you! ^^
i don't wanna be tall. :( i wanna shrink. how vivian how?!?? :(
HAHAHA. Alien! They come with laser beams and shoot us. D: Lol, hope the appeal will work ! But I doubt mine will, haha. omg please don't shrink! You are tall! Many people wanna be tall! Just donate someof your tallness to me, lol!

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