Monday, November 23, 2009

HAHAHA. Shall update about today.
Woke up at 6:30 and ate my bread halfway and threw it away and met rasyidah downstairs. Cool, she's staying opposite my block! Okay, lol!

Went to Victoria School. Their school is like a thousand times bigger than TK can!
Shiyi was the same group as Benedict, haha. He's grown a thousand times taller and his voice is funny can!

My groupmates were nice (and funny. lol!) and their school is still...very big.
Like a condominium like that can. Played games and yadayadayada.
Then it was some scenario discussion. LACERATIONS!
K lol, we kept straying from the topic. Like from convulsions and explosions to subj combinations (HAIZ.) and from LAB to MS. hahahahahaha! Can't beleive that some people actually find him fierce or gay. Very funny. LOL! Learnt from Taran that there is this girl who has eyeballs that can change colours. Cool or what.

And Wei Chieh is .... horny.

Dog and Bone was fun fun fun and super funny luh!
(ohmy why everbody mapling now?)

Then we went for the Evacuation Simulation thing.
HAHAHA, half of us 'died' and so did the casualty because they flipped him over and over like a log and tried to break his hand or something. wth?
And they use ketchup for blood. Wooh. Learnt that the mosque ( last month, there was this mosque set on fire. remember?) was just opposite their school. And Zheng Kai Kai Zheng? took a video of it and lost his phone. LOL!

And there was this sec 1 from VS who reads FA notes for leisure. Cool.

Then it was back to school till 5pm. HAIY. LONG LONG DAY.
We were punished by running jumping jacks pushups sit ups.
And the one hour lunch, only ate half a bowl of maggie mee.
I've been eating really really slow recently. O:

Then footdrill atw, wheeeeeew.
Went home and took a one hour nap.
Sean said that he tickled my feet but I didn't feel anything.
YAY TO SOUND SLEEP.(huh? whats that ?)

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