Sunday, November 15, 2009


Hooray, I changed my blogskin.
Ah, today was a very last minute decision family outing day.
LOL! (VLMDFO day? No, too long!)
Woke up with my entire arms and legs and stomach aching like !@#$%^&*$@#@#%.
Okay, after that I found Liney at the living room reading... TWILIGHT??!
Why on earth is she reading twilight in the morning, scary.

Ate and watched tv, got scolded for reading and eating at the same time, eating too slow, all the normal Sunday morning things. (Why am I even blogging about these !!)
HAHA, went KLP with family to bowl.
mum thought that it was a very very deserted place until we went into the carpark.
And here's a plan if you wanna watch a match at the Outdoor stadium...

Sneak in and wait till the match starts.

Hahaha. Lol! Managed to get a bowling alley! :D
First game was a total disaster. But I got a strike : D
Fine, it was by luck. HAHA, I must learn how to shoot the ball straight and stop shooting to my left . At least the second game was better! [:

ate lunch and ,I hate cheese ttm!
Well, at least not too much of it!
And my abstain from coke campaign ended because Sean bought coke instead of ice lemon tea. Aww man. I give up on the abstination(is this even a word?) from coke.
help me help me. Walked around, then went home.

But still, YAY the O's are over and Adeline doesn't have to lock herself in the room and i won't get scolded for going in and out of the room. : )
But still, now I'm bored ttm.

HAHA, had a couple of funny/weird dreams!

Dream 1: _____ formed an Adeline fanclub. I met a French speaking friend who was a swimmer in the swimming pool and she couldn't stop screaming and shouting. Then Rachael suddenly popped out from the water and we crashed into this wedding banquet where there were all ang mohs and we were in swimming costume. And it was like those type of royal banquet with all the 1900s clothes. WOW. And we were dripping wet. Woke up before I could eat, :(

Dream 2: Really really scary dream. DINOSAURS WERE CHASING ME UP AND DOWN TH STAIRS! and i couldn't run very fast . And at last I reached the basement and I could hear them coming down. It was seriously super terrifying luh. Woke up before I knew whether I was eaten up or not, phew.


HAHAHA, I had alot alot of dreams of me running away from something very very scary.

Very excited for tmr! :D :D :D
I love my class though CY's class looks more fun.
hahaha. Yay, this is an incredibly long post, (but not as long as last time's!)

photography Pictures, Images and Photos
How I wish I lived here!

Anyway, bon voyage Chelsea Kwan! LOL!
And the stories on Yuli's blog is nice :D

Bye now.

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