Tuesday, October 20, 2009

hello combined, bye bye double!

Got back English (minus Summary), Math and Science.
lets out a super sigh.
I'm so going to Swensens! COMBINED!


Okay,currently happy with English.
Well done Vi vi an.
LOL! Hahaha, and the ECP thing on Monday made me learn something.
I cannot scream or shriek (shreik?).
I cannot scream?? WALAO! Sad sad sad; even some guys can scream but yet i can't.
Well, badly done Vivian, your results.
At least I managed to pass Science overall. : D
But i can't fail anymore or else I will get kicked out and blah.
Bye bye 3D .
Hopefully 3E,F,G.
Hope nots: 3H and J.

Oh well. but at Mr Soh's class was funny!
BUT my skittles were taken away.
Sad sad Vivian.
Double sadness during geography.
Such a sad and horrible week with everyone emo-ing about their results.
Well, there was House meeting today.
But before that was epic. Yuli and the rest decided not to join us in the AUDITORIUM and so they went to their respective houses. Okay, so I pressed 'E' on my phone keypad and 'Esther' contact popped up. I called her.
"HELLO?" ohmyshit, it was in a male voice.
I called her home. STUPID SIAH!
And talking about Beyonce and _iss ___ was super duper funny!
And the robots and single ladies.
~All the single ladies, all the single ladies~
Then Miss Tay suddenly came and asked Chelsea to join in the election.
Super funny.
Okay, after all that we met up with the rest and waited for Mr Lim to
come out of the staffroom, for us to beg and plead and all for our results.
Then we realised that he was under the rotunda -.-
Ate with Yuli, CY and Esther and went home.
Ordinary day.


ohno, Literature tomorrow~

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