Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Back from Redang. Which was a blast.:D
Haha,the staff were super friendly.

And 'Cut' is a nice but sad true book.
And I'm sunburnt from head to toe.
And even my feet and scalp (SCALP BURN!) are sunburnt.
And Sean misses Brandon and wants to call and laugh with him.
And they like Chaaaaarlie the Unicorn.
And I shall post about Redang some day.
And it reminds me of the song' Someday'.
And Liney wants 'We made you' by Eminem.
And I think that the MV of the song is super funny.
And we created a word called' fitchy'.
Eg:My sunburn is fitchy, but I can't scratch it.
And Amelia wants pictures of the Redang trip.
And I can't post it yet, the cam no batt.
And Sean's awake.
And Sean's sick.
And Sean is watching MTV.
And Sean likes it.
And now he's watching Hannah Montana.
And :D

I wanna watch 'UP'.

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