Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bye bye.

Wel, went to watch Monsters Versus Aliens with Liney, Brenda and Sean.:D
Its damn funny can. SUUUUUSAN. OOh, i think I just scared myself.
And the Derek in the movie is such a jerk. Tried to makeuse of Susan. [SPOILER]

I will not elaborate.

Super fun. Reached home and lazed, then we played SCRABBLE!
The family game.
*Waves hands around* You see this?
This, is MY space! I need MY space!
Okay, Sean gained 54 points for putting this word: okay, its censored. :X
But I guess, you should know the word fishing right?
Not fair.
So, he won the game luh. Haha, there are even pictures of it *GASP*.
Which I may or not post.
Enough crapping here. CHINYEE'S GOING CYCLING TMR.
UNFAIR. But I'm going M'sia! Byebye, back at 15th.

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