Thursday, March 26, 2009


Okay, hello people!
Haven't posted for a very very extremely long time.
*evil gleams in eye*
Wasn't feeling well this whole week, the worst week of this month.
pfft, there was health check, and my spine/backbone has a problem.
And Vivian has to see a clinic doctor.
and I may have to wear a spine brace.
(insert all the curse words you can think of.) damn!
and Mum had to see a teacher, which freaked me out.
Guess what, it wasn't as bad as I thought.
And Yuliyanti Koo owes me five dollars.
Sebastian (surname) owes me his phone and a penny.
Isaac owes me his phone.

Got spammed by Sebastian and Isaac, in both Chinese and English can!
And the 500 text spam, and twenty over messages of full stops and words.
Wait till I kill them, make my phone lag like hellsh.

And tomorrow's EARTH HOUR<3
you have to
Off all your lights!
Off all your fans!
Off all your air conditioners!
Off all your computers! (I may not be blogging tmr[:)
Off your phone charger.
Light candles and eat dinner like a happy family.

Don't trip over anything and die!
Or you'll be dubbed a noob forever, as the kid who burnt his house down on EARTH HOUR.
Don't let your phone die on you!
Or you'll be heartbroken. :x

Lol, the do's and don't's.
Okay, I'm just darn bored, and
tataaaaaa. Vivian will stop her typing now.

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