Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cheer up peeps\0/

Haha, there was Gold course yesterday, and I didn't die!
And it was all about slow march, and even slow hentak!
And imagine doing it on a slope.
But the Me'erms and Sirs were very nice(:
And they're funneh!
*Looks up and gasps*
Oh no, I'm becoming them!
Haha,and we got chased away thrice in the MRT station.
Looks like Mrt people don't like groups to stand at the entrance.

Okay, after bloghopping, it seems like everyone is depressed.
Wow, why ah?
Lol, cheer up people.
I shall ...
1) Try to like Math.
2) Try to love and understand algebra.
3) Try to stop sleeping in class.
4) Try to stop drinking so much cold drinks.(They're bad for health.)
5) Revise revise revise.

All these shall start on Monday.
Or Tuesday.
Or Wednesday...
6) Stop procrastinating.
Though its labelled as number six, it shall be number one on the list.
Okay, lunchtime.

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