Friday, January 09, 2009

hello mickey

Hello: D
Couldn't 'play' the computer for a loooong time.
*sneaked some anyway:X*
Guess what, found something out after bloghopping you know(:
There was Red Cross today yeah, and it was flag day.
hounding Yuli was fun fun fun!
But some people shunned us you know.
and used the sticker as a 'sheild'.
haha, saw several KHSians '08.
Haha, they were so nice eh!
Donated to us, so in return we helped them with their homework.
but in the end, didn't know how to do hehe.
Math is super confusing uh, inverse direct proportions all that, and Miss Heng trying to be fierce and all that.
ohoh, and Yuli and I are loanshark money and people-hounding treasurers-.-
Lazy update already. byebye: D

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