Sunday, January 04, 2009

First Day of schooooooool.

ohlala, carebears.

what is the day that most kids dread?
First Day of Schoool.
yeah, but anyway, Jazlina came back:)
but...THE Sec One's are super cute can, short and sweet.
But the canteen's fries were'nt that nice you know.
Yuli ended up throwing them away, but I ate it all.
See, i never waste foooood.:x
Haha, made the class treasurer with Yuli.
But i failed math you know.
Quite dissapointed that some of the same teachers for subject still the same.
I'm bound to fail.

Then, there were talks from 10:35-12.
and nearly slept there, but couldn't.
Blame it on sitting in the front row-.-
Then, there was this IT Trainer or something in front of me, and Vivian's phone slipped,
and dropped onto the floor with not only a thud, but also waking me up.
omg, nearly died out of shock you know.
Lucky Yuli picked it up fast.
ohoh, and the IT Trainer saw it I think.
Okay, the air-con was super cold you know.
veeeeery cold.

Okay, i don't want to go to school.
byeeee: D

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