Tuesday, April 27, 2021

It's 2021

 Hellooooo people who still read this! Or maybe me when i decide to re-visit this site again.

I'm back because..... let me just put in a long story here.

I've changed my job (to one with more work life balance and hopefully more opportunities) and it's in the mental health community care sector! Exciting as it is, it's 2 months in and I'm bored cus i've been just reading and reading. But then again the learning curve is extremely steep, and I'm hoping to be able to do a good job. I've slacked off alot, so it's time for me to really pick myself up and push harder. 

Anyway just had a meeting with one of the providers and omg they turned out to be this VWO whom i helped write something something for and then ended up not replying hehe.

I think those mental health and anxiety pages were quite a big part of my teenage life? 

I remember going to 6billion secrets, tumblr for all this MH support. Reading those made me feel like I wasn't alone in what I was facing (no matter how big or small), and made me realise how important it is to have a platform to share such matters, and to have people listen and validate and support these struggles. 

BUT at 26, i wish I could go back and tell myself to be more focused, work harder, and please stop the self loathe though it still happens now haha. The developments in how people (and even the government!) see youth mental health, and mental health in general are pretty encouraging to me. To incorporate it into daily life and conversations was something that was probably abit harder to do (and maybe was in the works) 10-15 years ago. 

OK I SIDE-TRACKED! So after re-visiting that part of my memory, I felt like i wanted to read this blog again and write here agian. BOY DO I MISS CHRONICLING ABOUT MY MUNDANE LIFE!

Dayre is ok, but the app has been really slow for me :C feels good to be typing on the keyboard and hearing the clackclackclacking. 

ANYHOOOOOO life's ok. Got over the boi in my previous post, as well as another. ON TO BIGGER TINGS and brighter days ahead. Need to stahp breaking my own heart hahaha. 

Alrighty hoping to update this space abit more, with pictures hopefully. <3

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