Friday, October 21, 2016

Some epiphanies here and there nowadays. This is all about living and grow up ain't it?
To realise and move on, to get realistic but not give up on idealism.
Dreams don't come true even if you work for it, so find another alternative (quoted from Jay Chou's Dao Xiang hehe) and I guess that's what I'm going to do.
Honestly I feel super super useless, underachieving and directionless.
I wake up everyday just to go to school or work, or to walk the dogs or meet my friends. I dont feel like I have anything long term to look forward to. They all say living day by day is a good thing. I mean, it really is what. Who doesn't like to be spontaneous, who doesnt' like to live in the moment?
But really, it's getting boring when you don't look to the future, when you don't have goals. I remember always wondering why is it like a must to have an ambition. Why can't I grow up just to be happy? Wake the fuck up missus, nobody is always happy. Sure sure feed on the motivational quotes you supplement yourself with daily to make yourself the sunshine you wish you can be.

But life is full of ups and downs, bad people with reasons and circumstances to be bad, good people whom you don't deserve but love you enough to be there... i feel like i'm veering away from what I wanted to type haha. I guess everything needs to have a balance.

Ok I shan't be tooooo dull haha here's Sprite a sheepdog in a farm in NZ! SHE DAMN CUTE jut supermanja and all that :))))))))))))))
Really miss the vacay there! Hope to be able to go back for a longer, more fulfilling one aft uni omggg

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