Tuesday, April 07, 2015

So far my holidays have been nothing of what I thought of when I was studying for A levels..
VIVVVVV please get your act together and stop assing around ugh

It seems that all my previous ambitions have faltered slightly anddddddd I can't say I've fully given up the fight for my spot in the unis I wanna go... but I feel more of resigned to where I can go.
It's not like it's too bad a place.. but i wish I had that courage, ambition, passion and diligence to pursue what i think, and wish to do...

I like listing down options, i don't know why.
Listing, then elaborating. here are some main ones lul

Poly----> Local Uni (SMU/NTU/NUS/SIT) ----> WERK

Hm, I'd have to actually know what the hell I wanna do

(if i am fucking lucky)
Some local uin accepts me and i get into my choice
************ideal situation. UNI PLS CALL ME *********************************

UniSIM -----> werk ------> PT studying of social sciences
UniSIM------> find a way to work in something related to social sciences --->branch out from there

there's a Chinese saying of 活 到 老,学 到 老
"for as long as one lives, one learns."

Assuming I have 60 more years to live (i rlly do hope so), I have so many more years to learn.
If i can't get what I want now, I can always get it later right?
I guess that's what many people are doing hahah. 

Took me so long to realise what I want isn't something that I actually have to do now. I  could  have that for dessert, right? Okay maybe the order of what types of food to eat in what sequential order (mmm that sounds weird but whatever) isn't the best analogy hur hur

I hope I know what's best for myself, really.

Been getting so much me=time, probably excessive, that I am starting to talk to myself even when I go out with people. not to an extreme point because what I talk about is related to the conversation topic we have, but still. not good viv not good.
Got a position as a camp facil and i am extremely excited for that!!!!!
Freaking love cohort/cca camps esp to campsites! Hope that I won't destroy anything hurhur

I kind of miss SR. Like the people, the shenanigans!
This photo was taken after some 20 minutes at the arcade machine outside the bubbletea shop, while we were having our dinner break from studying in sch hehe.

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