Friday, June 27, 2014

Twice of TFIOS

 Last Friday (20 June)

Lil bro (who is super into photography now) wanted to catch the sunrise @ Bedok Reservoir so I followed
WOKE UP AT 6AM FOR THIS and it was totally worth it! Crashed at home after that because if I didn't, I'd be sleep-talking to Brion later on and sleeping in TFIOS hahaha!

As usual, I was L A T E. But it's okay, Brion was late too,and later than me! WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE HEH HEH HEH!

Missed the 10.30am show (yes a morning sob movie lol) so we decided to catch the one at 11am @ Cine instead! The theater we were in SUCKED. I mean, I'm happy to have a comfy seat popcorn a nice movie screen but HELLO please off the bloody lights when the movie is showing??? :(

and it was kinda smelly like got the damp smell of humans (hahahaha what am i talking about).
BUT well I still like movie theaters they are the most comfy places apart from my bed and sofa and hotel beds and sofas (not kidding)/
But the movie was sad, really. But the kind of sad where it isn't sloppy, and they really put in effort (storyline, actions, acting, situations and how the setting was when the sad parts came) to construct the many different parts of this movie! (APPLAUSE)
But sigh it wasn't as sad as I expected! T.T I did cry but well, not in buckets but rather vials of tears hahah.

the other plus point of this movie was that it wasn't 100% mourning but it had comedy HOORAY!

A half-awake Brion brought me to her favourite pinoy restaurant which has a new outlet in SG!
Heard her raving about it more than a million times SO I HAD TO TRY THE SPAGHETTI.

 Was so excited to eat I mashed everything up before taking a photo hahahaha
5 stars for this spaghetti! It's sweet and super duper tasty!PHOTO WORTHY.  If only photos could deliver taste too! IT WOULD TAKE FOOD PORN TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL.

Headed to Sbux to get the "say yes to strawberry cheesecake & tiramisu  drinks hooray" 
ahhhhhhhhhh the lady thought my name was Dibian hahahaha!

H2H-ed and let our inner complainers and bitches flow out 
Sigh really wish that I'd worked harder and promoted so we'd could spend more time 
Too little time with this woman here!


Just this Monday (23 June)

Caught TFIOS again with ma lovelies! <3 p="">
Was kinda late hehehe but we had a great lunch terrifying Shiyi with pepper lunch!

Anyway was really happy they had fun at their uni camps! But gives me more motivation to do better in Alevels so I can enjoy and have fun like  them! Ok Viv I must do this right

We The Furballs was closed sigh absolute disappointment and retardedness on our part  because we totally forgot about the "closed on Mondays" part!

So we caught TFIOS in Katong i12! 

& during the movie, the couple beside me just......they couldn't keep anything off each other.
Eyes nose lips mouth HANDS even legs oh gosh .........
hahaha but well the movie was good just....not as sad as i expected?
Maybe bc I didn't read the book so idk the different perspectives!
Didn't cry this time heheh

Went to drink some coffee and talk about idk what.
Love these girls :') 
Love how we can talk about anything and everything under the sun.
Bullshit or not still can talk about it hehe!
and after dinner we went our separate ways home.


Hope I  can stay motivated and pumped in my studying and revision
please please let me have a positive mindset for the next 5 months
Gotta be optimistic and not give up!


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