Wednesday, June 15, 2011

tell me,

Okay now i'm virtually cut off from the outside world and my memories and my awesome new downloads because my mum confiscated my phone.
YEP CONFISCATED. It has never been confiscated- minus the time where halilah took it, but still returned to me at the end of the day- in my whole life.

& now i learnt, i feel like something's missing, without my phone.
No, not a missing limb or organ, but just missing.
is it my music? or the fact that i feel sheer joy whenever i receive a text?
(i'm sure everyone feels like that too ok!!)

Its day one and i'm not dying yet, but it feel really really weird.

Anyway, I went bloghopping again (i should study) and found a friend's blog.
In my perspective, i felt that he is overprotective, kinda scary and all, all for a girl.

but when i read his blog, it struck me.
everyone has a reason for the way they act, for their actions.
just that no one understand, why or what the hell do they do things for.
or some just envy that person, because he/she has the guts to do the things that they themselves want to do so badly.

Aw well. Anyway, last night i had a super super super weird dream.
but all my dreams are weird so... hah.
Okay i was at my house, SWIMMING like in mid air.
then the freakishly fast dude from last time's class was there, with some other girl playing with some i pad or something. and there i was wading around.
weird huh.
then, i saw that (above).
and i felt so serene and all, and remembered why i loved it so much last time.
and i waded through...
and someone started playing 'show goes on'.
like wth!! let me have my moment of peace. but nevertheless its a nice song :)

then i woke up. dread dread dread waking up.
how i wish i could sleep, then wake up and everything is alright.
but come to think of it... the problem's kinda minor an d its my fault.


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