Sunday, August 22, 2010

Inflation increases the opportunity cost of holding money.

HAHA ECONS. Adeline's econs book.
I'm in her room using the lappy :B

she's at some handball thing
Lucky girl gets to watch 8 matches free!
Saw the YOG news channel.
The Cook Island's handball team super cute sia!
They were formed 2 months ago, and didn't even know about handball yet!
Though they were thrashed, they were still happy cos they got to play in the games.
Now that's sportsmanship.

Anw happy belated birthday Liney.
Though you're 5/17 years old, you'll still be the 7 year old who didn't know she dropped her tooth till she found it girl! HAHAHA.

I havent studied SS yet! So screwed -.-
Can't they cancel CTs?
Other schools have alr cancelled CTs.
Sad life.


and i changed the blogskin.
It sort of looks like tumblr.
But its simple and simplicity is good.
Alright boring blog, bye!

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