Saturday, March 27, 2010

photography Pictures, Images and Photos
i think its the spring season already, the seeds of the trees in school are flying down and flowers are appearing on trees . Pretty.

! doing report right now.
800 words for day one, omggg.
okay, i'll make this post the longest one i've written in 2010, because theother posts are so short and boring :(

I read my archives and realised that LIFE IN 2010 SUUUCKS!
So many supplementaries to stayback for.
Like hello, other schools don't need to stayback till like 3-4 plus pm siah!
I miss the times where i just eat lunch and walk out of the side gate and go to parkway and walk and all that. And the supplementaries just end at 3:30 or 4 latest.
Last time it was just Tuesday and Thursday and Friday that I needed to stayback.
And now, its everyday. :(+++++

I say: eh my sister say you very shuai
Yuli says: huh
Yuli says:the dp uh?
Yuli says: lol.
I say: HAHAHA yes!
Yuli: ofcourse he is shuai.
I say: LMAO. my dp also!
Yuli says:no.
I say: LOL but you all are inside!
Yuli says: I know.
But we all are not shuai.
We are not guys.
Yuli says: we are chio bus.
Yuli says: :D

HAHAHA rofl. talking to yuli nao. KCY is offline, don't know where she go with her family LOL!
And this post isn't long.
But anw, to concentrate on the report i shall stop blogging and log off ebuddeh and close fb.

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