Tuesday, January 12, 2010

yak yak yak.

i finally did the duty roster!

Well, school is fine for now, not so lost anymore. :)

Argh, but i hate it when teachers keep calling for the duty roster. haizzzz.
But finally got it done up up up.
CCA recruitment day was super duper tiring.
We had to change from mufti > uniform 3-4 times.
SIGH. And life feels like a routine instead of.. a life.

HAHAHA brenda is currently starstruck lor!
She's been so bubbly and cheerful (more than usual) eversince her idol took a picture with her, lol!
I would kill for that result you bodoh. :(

hahah congratulations to those who got their o level results!
Okay, bye bye!

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