Friday, December 25, 2009

Mehwee Qweemerh!

Merry Christmas people!

Let's start with ytd's "celebration cum concert."
Stayed over at Brenda's and woke up late.
Woah, had a nice sleep that night.
Practised and i was the clapping metronome. Yaaaaaaaay!

Went to pray for nyeh nyeh and Ah Yee, then went back to brenda's house.
Abigail is damn cute lor! She loves brenda alot alot! :D
After that we watched Hua Mu Lan.
Its bad to watch it on a Christmas Eve. :(
Performed aft that, (not me. metronome was filing instead.) and it was awesomeee!

Okay, opened presents after that! And watched our young that time Christmas videos.
Ten years ago.
Have to say, Sean was super cute!
I really missed those days, our presents were bigger than us,
frequent overseas trips,
amused easily,
no problems.

oh well. Ate cake and stuff and went home.
It was fuuuuuuuuuuuuuun!

Spammed with messages and couldn't reply them till a few minutes later.
Lazy day. very lazy.
Went to suntec with family, walkedthe whole day, arcaded a little here and there...
went to brenda's house to eat Aunt Susu (?)'s handmade cheesecake!

thats all, bye!

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