Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm back. Yaaaaaay.
Wellp, the trip was kinda boring, but there were fun moments.
WOW, Liney and Sean are practicsing for Christmas' performance and I'm here...blogging.
Sian, I doubt I'll even be playing the triangle. Sheesh, why didnt i learn some other musical instrument other than the piano lor. Then when I'm bored I can irritate people with my musical instrument muahahahaha.

I was born with single eyelids. Amazing discovery huh. :D

Will update about the Malaysia Trip another day! ;D

I think this version is the best! :D

photography Pictures, Images and Photos
A snow angel! The last time I did one was 3 years ago in Korea! HAHAHA.
It ended up as a messy one.

Had a movie marathon throughout the trip!
Watched: New Moon; Avatar; TROY; The Last Samurai ; Haeundae;

New Moon was so ...
The ending was like, "Bella may you marry me?" THUD.
The best time to go to the loo is during the part where Bella goes skydiving.
Avatar was so much better can!

Haeundae was damn touching luh! Well, only the last half part.

Okay, byebye (:

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