Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I am a very happy person.

seven and a half hours and counting! :DDD

I won't be in Singapore from today 8pm to Saturday, so,byebye people!

Yesterday was tuition, and I ruuuuushed all the way there and was 10 minutes early.
Almost fell off the escalator, scary.
And the Minimart there doesn't sell nerds. ):
I had to wait outside with this RI guy because STINKY decided to go to the toilet.
Chao nang.
Guess what, the RI guy is from Red Cross too! And he went OA UIP.


And i hate A math, so hard! I don't understand like, 60% of what stinky was blabbering about.

I'm going to have trouble next year, must work double hard!!

Till Saturday, byeeee.

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